Both anecdotal and scientific evidence proves being outside in garden-fresh air has an enormously positive effect on our overall wellness. During the pandemic, being stuck at home impacted many people’s physical and mental health. Gardening saw a surge in popularity, with people who’d never picked up a spade getting outside to plant their own vegetable gardens and growing flowers. 

As people we are genetically-programmed to spend time outside; however demands of our modern lives do not always make this possible. The tranquility of being surrounded by gardens shows to chemically reduce stress levels – simply spend time outdoors and you feel peace and calm. Keeping your mind focused and hands occupied with gardening puts you in a headspace that allows you to forget your worries. The act of planting is a hopeful one, as you grow new life, beautiful surroundings, and build a future from the soil.  

Gardening & Body Chemistry  

The sunshine vitamin, D, as well as the higher oxygen levels in green spaces also has many science-backed wellness benefits, including elevating self-esteem and mood and lowering stress and irritability. Getting outside gardening is an optimal way to get Vitamin D which synthesizes serotonin, our body’s happy chemical. 

Healthy Diet 

When homegrown garden vegetables and fruit are at your fingertips, it is easy to eat well. Apart from the endless wellness benefits of fresh food, pulled fresh from your garden saves more nutrients and the produce tastes better, too. 

Green for Your Grey Matter

While stepping into sunshine and inhaling the fresh scent of cut grass makes us feel better immediately, what may not be so obvious is that plant-filled spaces improve your focus and boost memory. Gardening is a restorative act that can heal the mind and activate areas of the brain that can be dormant otherwise.

Physical Wellness 

Getting out and moving is necessary for our physical health as well as mental. From lifting planters to digging and bending, gardening is a fun and rewarding physical activity. Even if it doesn’t raise your heartbeat like more conventional workouts, you’re still burning far more calories that sitting indoors or in front of a screen. 

Design websites and magazines make dreamy backyards look easy, but tackling them on their own can be a different story. We want your green lawn to be the envy of others, proving isn’t always greener in someone else’s yard (unless of course, they garden with Scotts.) 

Regardless of your backyard size, you CAN create your own peaceful and beautiful garden oasis, and we are here to help. If you are already happy with your outdoor area but wish to spruce it up, we have ideas for that, too. 

Here are some tips to create your garden oasis that we give two green thumbs up! 


Assess the garden 

Consider the following factors: a) what kind of sunlight does your backyard get b) do some areas get more sunshine that others c) at what times of the day do these areas get light d) what use will your garden have. Someone looking to grow vegetables will have different needs than a parent wanting space for family outdoor play. As will the person looking to make a backyard oasis for evening patio cocktails. 


Lawn SOS & TLC 

Just like how the epidermis is a human’s biggest organ, the largest living and vital part of your garden is the lawn. Revive spots where needed and feed and water them adequately. And break the rules about your backyard keeping a rectangular shape. Create smaller gardens with a walking path, shaping them as circular or asymmetrical. 


Visual interest 

A design 101 DIY trick is to create a focal point in your garden. This could be a bird bath, dramatic garden basket to pergola. Work with that area to make it really stand out.  


Inspect your plants first 

There’s no rulebook for plant swapping but if there was, number one would be to ensure your plants are healthy and pest free. Blights, bacteria and the like can spread to other plants quickly, so do the right thing. You don’t want to be responsible for the deforestation of someone’s cherished mini rainforest.



Plant small trees, bushes and shrubs for your private, beautiful oasis. Large planters work well, too, and experiment with multiple levels for visual interest. Choose greenery and flowers that draw the eye in and are really pleasing to you. 



It is no wonder that Zen-inspired garden furniture has become a mainstay. Woods, stones and natural colours create that tranquil oasis vibe. Loungers, chairs and patio couches work well in a layered or staggered arrangement for interest and a natural setting, or in a welcoming circular arrangement, whatever looks best to you. 


Patio stones 

Stones, gravel, pebbles and wood flooring add visual interest as well as create a separate space from the rest of your yard. Natural elements are also an excellent way to add an oasis-like quality to the work. 

have an idea?

Having plants in your home is proven to reduce stress levels, increase oxygen and enhance your overall wellness. 

As we learned in science class, plants release oxygen and “breathe” carbon dioxide, the opposite of humans. Having these oxygen producers as roommates provides us with fresher, cleaner air.  

here are some more wellness tips that will make you fanatical about your botanicals

Anecdotally, we’ve known for some time how our plant pals relieve stress, but now scientific research proves buds really are our buddies, showing having them around is connected to reduced cortisol (stress hormone), lowered blood pressure and a better mood. 

strategically choose plants for the bedroom 

Orchids aren’t just a romantic exotic flower, they are different from most plants because they emit oxygen. So do succulents, bromeliads, and snake plants, which are not just photogenic. Instagram darlings, they are perfect to have at your bedside. More oxygen means an optimal slumber. 

here comes the sun

Indoor plants can be finicky little fellows who do not do well with direct midday sun when rays are at their strongest. Watch out for leaf burn, spots on leaves, or sudden falling of leaves. Luckily, they can be revived easily. Ensure they are adequately watered, not sitting by a cold draught or heat source, and check out the line of Miracle-Gro® plant foods to bring them back to their vivacious, verdant selves. 

cheap and cheerful

Don’t shell out on expensive paints or furnishings to add life to a dull room when plants literally can add life. Dress up your windowsills with succulents, go for on-trend macrame hangers or adopt the starlet of social media, a fiddle leaf fig. To keep it cost efficient, check out yard sales for pots or DIY some quirky planters. We also have great ideas on plant swapping

tropic like it’s hot 

Put the shower-fresh steamy air of your bathroom to use by adding plants that thrive in warm, wet conditions, for example air plants or ferns. Bonus if your bathroom, or even a sunroom, gets super hot, which is great for palms, cacti and most succulents. 

As any chef or amateur cook knows, fresh herbs make a dish come alive. Some like natural herbs for homeopathic and aromatherapy purposes. Whatever your use for them, you can always have fresh herbs handy.

pick herbs you regularly use

If space is a consideration, prune down your indoor herb choices with ones you use frequently. Consult your favourite recipes, take inventory of how much room you have, and observe the flavour profiles you like the most. 

here comes the sun

Indoor plants can be finicky little fellows who do not do well with direct midday sun when rays are at their strongest. Watch out for leaf burn, spots on leaves, or sudden falling of leaves. Luckily, they can be revived easily. Ensure they are adequately watered, not sitting by a cold draught or heat source, and check out the line of Miracle-Gro® plant foods to bring them back to their vivacious, verdant selves. 

terrariums are terrific 

From cooking splatters to being playful cats, fresh herbs can be prone to damage. Not only are terrariums pretty and on-trend, but they also do a great job at protecting dainty herbs. 


Also known as aero gardening, hydroponic gardening is a tried-and-true method to grow fresh food indoors. Hydroponics will do everything for you except the fun parts – trimming and eating, which you get to do.


Living things need companionship, and like people, plants are the same! Some herbs thrive better when planted next to certain ones. We have some examples below but a little research will uncover many more pairings. For example, basil and parsley require more water than rosemary and sage. Plant mint by itself as it tends to grow fast and furiously. 


Prefer not to spend a ton of green on greenery? Plant swaps are your answer. 

The world of plant swapping is blossoming in many ways, thanks to the trading of roots and shoots between savvy plant-lovers. As no money is exchanged, only leaves, this phenomenon attracts many looking for some free and fun plant action. As a plant trader, although you won’t be on the busy floor of a stock exchange floor, but you will help your household economy. Plant trading also provides abundant opportunity to connect with other like-minded plant lovers. You can learn new tips and tricks while sharing your own planting advice with a newfound community of plant-heads. 

So, how does a budding plant swapper begin? Facebook Marketplace and Groups are a great place to start, along with your local Kijiji marketplace. Here are our top tips. 

Top 7 Tips for Plant Swapping


Assess the garden 

Consider the following factors: a) what kind of sunlight does your backyard get b) do some areas get more sunshine that others c) at what times of the day do these areas get light d) what use will your garden have. Someone looking to grow vegetables will have different needs than a parent wanting space for family outdoor play. As will the person looking to make a backyard oasis for evening patio cocktails. 


Lawn SOS & TLC 

Just like how the epidermis is a human’s biggest organ, the largest living and vital part of your garden is the lawn. Revive spots where needed and feed and water them adequately. And break the rules about your backyard keeping a rectangular shape. Create smaller gardens with a walking path, shaping them as circular or asymmetrical. 


Visual interest 

A design 101 DIY trick is to create a focal point in your garden. This could be a bird bath, dramatic garden basket to pergola. Work with that area to make it really stand out.  


Inspect your plants first 

There’s no rulebook for plant swapping but if there was, number one would be to ensure your plants are healthy and pest free. Blights, bacteria and the like can spread to other plants quickly, so do the right thing. You don’t want to be responsible for the deforestation of someone’s cherished mini rainforest.



Plant small trees, bushes and shrubs for your private, beautiful oasis. Large planters work well, too, and experiment with multiple levels for visual interest. Choose greenery and flowers that draw the eye in and are really pleasing to you. 



It is no wonder that Zen-inspired garden furniture has become a mainstay. Woods, stones and natural colours create that tranquil oasis vibe. Loungers, chairs and patio couches work well in a layered or staggered arrangement for interest and a natural setting, or in a welcoming circular arrangement, whatever looks best to you. 


Patio stones 

Stones, gravel, pebbles and wood flooring add visual interest as well as create a separate space from the rest of your yard. Natural elements are also an excellent way to add an oasis-like quality to the work. 

Good luck on your quest for growing your plant family! 


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