

aka antirrhinums, dragon flowers, and dog flowers

Snapdragons are a beloved choice for cottage gardens and perennial flower beds, adding charm and beauty to any landscape. These flowers possess a unique charm with their dragon-like flower heads and a stunning range of colours including white, yellow, pink, orange, and purple.


Tall snapdragons, Dwarf snapdragons, Twining snapdragons (climbing snapdragons), and Angelonia snapdragons.


full sun

For best blooming results, make sure they receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

water + feeding


Snapdragons are somewhat drought-tolerant and prefer a good drink followed by a period of dryness.



While Snapdragons are safe for humans they can lead to an upset stomach for furry friends.


it depends

Snapdragons come in different sizes depending on the variation. On average, they grow between 1 and 3 feet tall. Dwarf varieties only reach up to 10 inches, while larger species can reach 4 feet.

pro tip

give them room to bloom

Snapdragons like to have a bit of personal space. Make sure to leave about 6 to 12 inches between each plant to provide ample space for them to expand and thrive. Plus, it can actually help prevent the spread of diseases. These aren’t wallflowers—they like a little room to show off their vibrant blooms!

fun fact

snap it open!

The name ‘Snapdragon’ comes from an old superstition that says if you hold the flower by the stem and squeeze it, its mouth will “snap” open and close. They may not actually snap at you, but it’s still a fun way to engage with these beautiful plants! So don’t be afraid to give them a gentle squeeze and watch their petals snap.

beyond the basics

  • soil and potting  

    Snapdragons thrive in nutrient-rich, well-draining soil like Miracle-Gro® Moisture Control® Garden Soil. For outdoor planting, choose a sunny spot with ample spacing of 6 to 12 inches. In containers, use a pot that is at least 12 inches deep and wide, providing the roots with enough space to expand and thrive. Also, make sure the pot has good drainage to keep those roots from getting waterlogged.

  • companion planting

     Snapdragons are versatile plants that effortlessly blend into any garden. They complement summer blooms like petunias, lavender, and sunflowers, as well as aromatic herbs like rosemary and sage.

  • blooms

    Different varieties of snapdragons have single, double, or frilly petals and come in many vibrant colours. The most common variations are tall snapdragons that feature flowers with broad petals on strong stems, dwarf snapdragons that boast delicate blooms in an array of colours on short stems, and double snapdragons which feature multiple rows of ruffled petals.

  • pest control

    Snapdragons generally are resistant to pests, but it’s important to keep an eye out for aphids and thrips. If you happen to spot any of these pests, it’s recommended to employ natural methods such as using an insecticidal soap like Ortho® Bug B Gon® ECO Insecticidal Soap or rinsing the foliage thoroughly with a forceful stream of water to dislodge any potential invaders.


  • why aren’t my snapdragons blooming enough?  

    Insufficient sunlight exposure or subpar fertility conditions. To ensure your Snapdragons thrive, ensure your plants receive a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. To improve soil fertility, you can enhance it by incorporating a nutrient boost like Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food. This will enrich the environment for your plants and promote their growth. Also, to encourage the formation of new buds, try deadheading to clear up any withered blossoms.

  • why are my snapdragon’s leaves powdery?  

    Fungal disease. This tends to appear in warm and humid climates. To prevent and treat this condition, ensure adequate air circulation between plants by leaving sufficient space when planting, avoid wetting the foliage during watering sessions, and use fungicides if necessary.

  • why does it look like my snapdragons are wilting?   

    Over watering or under watering. Excess moisture can result in root rot, hindering your flowers’ ability to absorb essential nutrients. Conversely, a lack of moisture can cause your flowers to dry out or wither. To ensure optimal growth, carefully assess soil moisture levels and adjust watering practices accordingly.

  • why are my snapdragons falling over?   

    Insufficient sunlight. To address this, try moving the plant to a spot that ensures 6 hours of sunlight. Additionally, consider pruning the leggy stems and using supports such as stakes or trellises to help the stalks stand tall.

have an idea?


aka Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks can easily be started from seeds indoors, and transplanted outdoors. They add drama, colour and height to your garden. These plants are likely to attract some wildlife to your garden such as hummingbirds and butterflies! Hollyhocks can get a little “leggy” and it’s often suggested to plant dense plants in front of them to hide this. Once planted, Hollyhocks can be difficult to move. It’s suggested to plant them in a spot where you won’t have to move them.


Hollyhock ‘Sunshine’, Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams, Hollyhock ‘Creme de Cassis’, Hollyhock ‘Blacknight’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Red’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Apricot’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Lavender’, Hollyhock ‘The Bride’, Hollyhock ‘O Hara’, Hollyhock ‘Banana’


varying needs

Full sun to partial shade

water + feeding

not too thirsty

Will tolerate moist conditions if soil is well drained. Water thoroughly during hot, dry weather. Keep water off leaves when watering, to prevent disease problems. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost. Hollyhock seeds only need to be planted right below the soil, no more than 1/4-inch (.6 cm.) deep


not really

These flowers are also non-poisonous to dogs or cats, but you need to be careful about the stems and leaves as they may have resin or fiber which may cause some skin allergies.



Hollyhock blooms are about four inch double flowers borne on wand-like stems. They have fuzzy leaves, that grow to be about 6-8″ across. A hollyhock plant can grow to be almost 6ft tall!

pro tip

blooms for years

Remove any seed-heads that may form, so hollyhock will continue to bloom for several years. Most plants will live and bloom for several years if stalks are cut off at the base after flowers have faded. They will not be as vigorous as new seedlings. Once established in the garden, hollyhock often grow voluntary from seeds dropped during the summer. These chance seedlings may and should be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

fun fact

welcome flowers

Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, ambition, fertility, and abundance. They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity. Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

beyond the basics

  • soil & potting

    Hollyhock will do well in almost any soil but prefers a well-drained soil. The most important factor is good air circulation, so do not crowd plants or plant too close to structures, hedges or other plants.  

  • companion planting

    Hollyhocks make excellent companions for Dahlias, Clematis, Shasta Daisies, Shrub Roses, Baby’s Breath, Black-eyed Susan, or Climbing Roses.  

  • blooms

    Hollyhocks have single or double, cup-shaped flowers with little or no stalk and bloom on tall spikes. Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colours: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. 

  • pest control

    Rust is a leaf disease to which hollyhocks are especially prone. It is worse on older plants and can be kept in check by replacing plants every couple of years. 


  • rusty looking leaves?

    Rust is a common problem with hollyhocks and can cause the plants to look ragged. Brown, yellow or orange spots appear as the fungus forms and grows. The damaged leaves will fall off as the disease progresses. Control fungi through proper removal and disposal of infected plants and with a general fungicide. 

  • breaking Stems?

    High winds or torrential rains can damage hollyhocks because of the sheer height of the flowers. The stalks are strong, but can be knocked around by a summer storm. A trellis positioned behind the hollyhocks gives you a place to anchor the plants. Garden twine, looped around the stalk and fastened to the trellis, keeps the hollyhocks in place when strong winds hit the garden. 

  • holes in leaves?

    Japanese beetles love the large leaves of the hollyhock plant and create unsightly holes in the foliage. The hibiscus sawfly looks like an elongated housefly with an orange spot just below the head. The larvae of these pests eat the foliage and can completely destroy the leaves on several plants in a short time. Insecticidal soaps and beetle traps generally aid in ridding the hollyhocks of the pests. 

  • broken stalks?

    Some caterpillars cause hollyhock stems to break and leaves to wilt. Close examination shows small round holes in the stems. Control stalk borers by slitting each affected stem lengthwise, removing the borers, and binding the stems together. Practice clean cultivation and burn all weeds, stems and plant remains likely to harbor over-wintering eggs. 

  • wilting leaves?

    A fungal stem canker attacks hollyhocks at bloom time on rare occasions. Stem lesions are first dark brown and later ash-gray. As these spots girdle the stem the part above wilts, collapses, breaks off and dies. Remove and destroy infected plants or plant parts as soon as you notice them. Disinfect clippers and other tools after using them on cankered plants. Space plants farther apart to minimize splash-borne infection. 

have an idea?


aka Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks can easily be started from seeds indoors, and transplanted outdoors. They add drama, colour and height to your garden. These plants are likely to attract some wildlife to your garden such as hummingbirds and butterflies! Hollyhocks can get a little “leggy” and it’s often suggested to plant dense plants in front of them to hide this. Once planted, Hollyhocks can be difficult to move. It’s suggested to plant them in a spot where you won’t have to move them.


Hollyhock ‘Sunshine’, Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams, Hollyhock ‘Creme de Cassis’, Hollyhock ‘Blacknight’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Red’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Apricot’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Lavender’, Hollyhock ‘The Bride’, Hollyhock ‘O Hara’, Hollyhock ‘Banana’


varying needs

Full sun to partial shade

water + feeding

not too thirsty

Will tolerate moist conditions if soil is well drained. Water thoroughly during hot, dry weather. Keep water off leaves when watering, to prevent disease problems. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost. Hollyhock seeds only need to be planted right below the soil, no more than 1/4-inch (.6 cm.) deep


not really

These flowers are also non-poisonous to dogs or cats, but you need to be careful about the stems and leaves as they may have resin or fiber which may cause some skin allergies.



Hollyhock blooms are about four inch double flowers borne on wand-like stems. They have fuzzy leaves, that grow to be about 6-8″ across. A hollyhock plant can grow to be almost 6ft tall!

pro tip

blooms for years

Remove any seed-heads that may form, so hollyhock will continue to bloom for several years. Most plants will live and bloom for several years if stalks are cut off at the base after flowers have faded. They will not be as vigorous as new seedlings. Once established in the garden, hollyhock often grow voluntary from seeds dropped during the summer. These chance seedlings may and should be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

fun fact

welcome flowers

Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, ambition, fertility, and abundance. They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity. Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

beyond the basics

  • soil & potting

    Hollyhock will do well in almost any soil but prefers a well-drained soil. The most important factor is good air circulation, so do not crowd plants or plant too close to structures, hedges or other plants.  

  • companion planting

    Hollyhocks make excellent companions for Dahlias, Clematis, Shasta Daisies, Shrub Roses, Baby’s Breath, Black-eyed Susan, or Climbing Roses.  

  • blooms

    Hollyhocks have single or double, cup-shaped flowers with little or no stalk and bloom on tall spikes. Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colours: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. 

  • pest control

    Rust is a leaf disease to which hollyhocks are especially prone. It is worse on older plants and can be kept in check by replacing plants every couple of years. 


  • rusty looking leaves?

    Rust is a common problem with hollyhocks and can cause the plants to look ragged. Brown, yellow or orange spots appear as the fungus forms and grows. The damaged leaves will fall off as the disease progresses. Control fungi through proper removal and disposal of infected plants and with a general fungicide. 

  • breaking Stems?

    High winds or torrential rains can damage hollyhocks because of the sheer height of the flowers. The stalks are strong, but can be knocked around by a summer storm. A trellis positioned behind the hollyhocks gives you a place to anchor the plants. Garden twine, looped around the stalk and fastened to the trellis, keeps the hollyhocks in place when strong winds hit the garden. 

  • holes in leaves?

    Japanese beetles love the large leaves of the hollyhock plant and create unsightly holes in the foliage. The hibiscus sawfly looks like an elongated housefly with an orange spot just below the head. The larvae of these pests eat the foliage and can completely destroy the leaves on several plants in a short time. Insecticidal soaps and beetle traps generally aid in ridding the hollyhocks of the pests. 

  • broken stalks?

    Some caterpillars cause hollyhock stems to break and leaves to wilt. Close examination shows small round holes in the stems. Control stalk borers by slitting each affected stem lengthwise, removing the borers, and binding the stems together. Practice clean cultivation and burn all weeds, stems and plant remains likely to harbor over-wintering eggs. 

  • wilting leaves?

    A fungal stem canker attacks hollyhocks at bloom time on rare occasions. Stem lesions are first dark brown and later ash-gray. As these spots girdle the stem the part above wilts, collapses, breaks off and dies. Remove and destroy infected plants or plant parts as soon as you notice them. Disinfect clippers and other tools after using them on cankered plants. Space plants farther apart to minimize splash-borne infection. 

have an idea?


aka Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks can easily be started from seeds indoors, and transplanted outdoors. They add drama, colour and height to your garden. These plants are likely to attract some wildlife to your garden such as hummingbirds and butterflies! Hollyhocks can get a little “leggy” and it’s often suggested to plant dense plants in front of them to hide this. Once planted, Hollyhocks can be difficult to move. It’s suggested to plant them in a spot where you won’t have to move them.


Hollyhock ‘Sunshine’, Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams, Hollyhock ‘Creme de Cassis’, Hollyhock ‘Blacknight’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Red’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Apricot’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Lavender’, Hollyhock ‘The Bride’, Hollyhock ‘O Hara’, Hollyhock ‘Banana’


varying needs

Full sun to partial shade

water + feeding

not too thirsty

Will tolerate moist conditions if soil is well drained. Water thoroughly during hot, dry weather. Keep water off leaves when watering, to prevent disease problems. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost. Hollyhock seeds only need to be planted right below the soil, no more than 1/4-inch (.6 cm.) deep


not really

These flowers are also non-poisonous to dogs or cats, but you need to be careful about the stems and leaves as they may have resin or fiber which may cause some skin allergies.



Hollyhock blooms are about four inch double flowers borne on wand-like stems. They have fuzzy leaves, that grow to be about 6-8″ across. A hollyhock plant can grow to be almost 6ft tall!

pro tip

blooms for years

Remove any seed-heads that may form, so hollyhock will continue to bloom for several years. Most plants will live and bloom for several years if stalks are cut off at the base after flowers have faded. They will not be as vigorous as new seedlings. Once established in the garden, hollyhock often grow voluntary from seeds dropped during the summer. These chance seedlings may and should be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

fun fact

welcome flowers

Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, ambition, fertility, and abundance. They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity. Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

beyond the basics

  • soil & potting

    Hollyhock will do well in almost any soil but prefers a well-drained soil. The most important factor is good air circulation, so do not crowd plants or plant too close to structures, hedges or other plants.  

  • companion planting

    Hollyhocks make excellent companions for Dahlias, Clematis, Shasta Daisies, Shrub Roses, Baby’s Breath, Black-eyed Susan, or Climbing Roses.  

  • blooms

    Hollyhocks have single or double, cup-shaped flowers with little or no stalk and bloom on tall spikes. Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colours: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. 

  • pest control

    Rust is a leaf disease to which hollyhocks are especially prone. It is worse on older plants and can be kept in check by replacing plants every couple of years. 


  • rusty looking leaves?

    Rust is a common problem with hollyhocks and can cause the plants to look ragged. Brown, yellow or orange spots appear as the fungus forms and grows. The damaged leaves will fall off as the disease progresses. Control fungi through proper removal and disposal of infected plants and with a general fungicide. 

  • breaking Stems?

    High winds or torrential rains can damage hollyhocks because of the sheer height of the flowers. The stalks are strong, but can be knocked around by a summer storm. A trellis positioned behind the hollyhocks gives you a place to anchor the plants. Garden twine, looped around the stalk and fastened to the trellis, keeps the hollyhocks in place when strong winds hit the garden. 

  • holes in leaves?

    Japanese beetles love the large leaves of the hollyhock plant and create unsightly holes in the foliage. The hibiscus sawfly looks like an elongated housefly with an orange spot just below the head. The larvae of these pests eat the foliage and can completely destroy the leaves on several plants in a short time. Insecticidal soaps and beetle traps generally aid in ridding the hollyhocks of the pests. 

  • broken stalks?

    Some caterpillars cause hollyhock stems to break and leaves to wilt. Close examination shows small round holes in the stems. Control stalk borers by slitting each affected stem lengthwise, removing the borers, and binding the stems together. Practice clean cultivation and burn all weeds, stems and plant remains likely to harbor over-wintering eggs. 

  • wilting leaves?

    A fungal stem canker attacks hollyhocks at bloom time on rare occasions. Stem lesions are first dark brown and later ash-gray. As these spots girdle the stem the part above wilts, collapses, breaks off and dies. Remove and destroy infected plants or plant parts as soon as you notice them. Disinfect clippers and other tools after using them on cankered plants. Space plants farther apart to minimize splash-borne infection. 

have an idea?


aka Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks can easily be started from seeds indoors, and transplanted outdoors. They add drama, colour and height to your garden. These plants are likely to attract some wildlife to your garden such as hummingbirds and butterflies! Hollyhocks can get a little “leggy” and it’s often suggested to plant dense plants in front of them to hide this. Once planted, Hollyhocks can be difficult to move. It’s suggested to plant them in a spot where you won’t have to move them.


Hollyhock ‘Sunshine’, Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams, Hollyhock ‘Creme de Cassis’, Hollyhock ‘Blacknight’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Red’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Apricot’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Lavender’, Hollyhock ‘The Bride’, Hollyhock ‘O Hara’, Hollyhock ‘Banana’


varying needs

Full sun to partial shade

water + feeding

not too thirsty

Will tolerate moist conditions if soil is well drained. Water thoroughly during hot, dry weather. Keep water off leaves when watering, to prevent disease problems. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost. Hollyhock seeds only need to be planted right below the soil, no more than 1/4-inch (.6 cm.) deep


not really

These flowers are also non-poisonous to dogs or cats, but you need to be careful about the stems and leaves as they may have resin or fiber which may cause some skin allergies.



Hollyhock blooms are about four inch double flowers borne on wand-like stems. They have fuzzy leaves, that grow to be about 6-8″ across. A hollyhock plant can grow to be almost 6ft tall!

pro tip

blooms for years

Remove any seed-heads that may form, so hollyhock will continue to bloom for several years. Most plants will live and bloom for several years if stalks are cut off at the base after flowers have faded. They will not be as vigorous as new seedlings. Once established in the garden, hollyhock often grow voluntary from seeds dropped during the summer. These chance seedlings may and should be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

fun fact

welcome flowers

Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, ambition, fertility, and abundance. They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity. Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

beyond the basics

  • soil & potting

    Hollyhock will do well in almost any soil but prefers a well-drained soil. The most important factor is good air circulation, so do not crowd plants or plant too close to structures, hedges or other plants.  

  • companion planting

    Hollyhocks make excellent companions for Dahlias, Clematis, Shasta Daisies, Shrub Roses, Baby’s Breath, Black-eyed Susan, or Climbing Roses.  

  • blooms

    Hollyhocks have single or double, cup-shaped flowers with little or no stalk and bloom on tall spikes. Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colours: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. 

  • pest control

    Rust is a leaf disease to which hollyhocks are especially prone. It is worse on older plants and can be kept in check by replacing plants every couple of years. 


  • rusty looking leaves?

    Rust is a common problem with hollyhocks and can cause the plants to look ragged. Brown, yellow or orange spots appear as the fungus forms and grows. The damaged leaves will fall off as the disease progresses. Control fungi through proper removal and disposal of infected plants and with a general fungicide. 

  • breaking Stems?

    High winds or torrential rains can damage hollyhocks because of the sheer height of the flowers. The stalks are strong, but can be knocked around by a summer storm. A trellis positioned behind the hollyhocks gives you a place to anchor the plants. Garden twine, looped around the stalk and fastened to the trellis, keeps the hollyhocks in place when strong winds hit the garden. 

  • holes in leaves?

    Japanese beetles love the large leaves of the hollyhock plant and create unsightly holes in the foliage. The hibiscus sawfly looks like an elongated housefly with an orange spot just below the head. The larvae of these pests eat the foliage and can completely destroy the leaves on several plants in a short time. Insecticidal soaps and beetle traps generally aid in ridding the hollyhocks of the pests. 

  • broken stalks?

    Some caterpillars cause hollyhock stems to break and leaves to wilt. Close examination shows small round holes in the stems. Control stalk borers by slitting each affected stem lengthwise, removing the borers, and binding the stems together. Practice clean cultivation and burn all weeds, stems and plant remains likely to harbor over-wintering eggs. 

  • wilting leaves?

    A fungal stem canker attacks hollyhocks at bloom time on rare occasions. Stem lesions are first dark brown and later ash-gray. As these spots girdle the stem the part above wilts, collapses, breaks off and dies. Remove and destroy infected plants or plant parts as soon as you notice them. Disinfect clippers and other tools after using them on cankered plants. Space plants farther apart to minimize splash-borne infection. 

have an idea?


aka Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks can easily be started from seeds indoors, and transplanted outdoors. They add drama, colour and height to your garden. These plants are likely to attract some wildlife to your garden such as hummingbirds and butterflies! Hollyhocks can get a little “leggy” and it’s often suggested to plant dense plants in front of them to hide this. Once planted, Hollyhocks can be difficult to move. It’s suggested to plant them in a spot where you won’t have to move them.


Hollyhock ‘Sunshine’, Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams, Hollyhock ‘Creme de Cassis’, Hollyhock ‘Blacknight’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Red’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Apricot’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Lavender’, Hollyhock ‘The Bride’, Hollyhock ‘O Hara’, Hollyhock ‘Banana’


varying needs

Full sun to partial shade

water + feeding

not too thirsty

Will tolerate moist conditions if soil is well drained. Water thoroughly during hot, dry weather. Keep water off leaves when watering, to prevent disease problems. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost. Hollyhock seeds only need to be planted right below the soil, no more than 1/4-inch (.6 cm.) deep


not really

These flowers are also non-poisonous to dogs or cats, but you need to be careful about the stems and leaves as they may have resin or fiber which may cause some skin allergies.



Hollyhock blooms are about four inch double flowers borne on wand-like stems. They have fuzzy leaves, that grow to be about 6-8″ across. A hollyhock plant can grow to be almost 6ft tall!

pro tip

blooms for years

Remove any seed-heads that may form, so hollyhock will continue to bloom for several years. Most plants will live and bloom for several years if stalks are cut off at the base after flowers have faded. They will not be as vigorous as new seedlings. Once established in the garden, hollyhock often grow voluntary from seeds dropped during the summer. These chance seedlings may and should be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

fun fact

welcome flowers

Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, ambition, fertility, and abundance. They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity. Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

beyond the basics

  • soil & potting

    Hollyhock will do well in almost any soil but prefers a well-drained soil. The most important factor is good air circulation, so do not crowd plants or plant too close to structures, hedges or other plants.  

  • companion planting

    Hollyhocks make excellent companions for Dahlias, Clematis, Shasta Daisies, Shrub Roses, Baby’s Breath, Black-eyed Susan, or Climbing Roses.  

  • blooms

    Hollyhocks have single or double, cup-shaped flowers with little or no stalk and bloom on tall spikes. Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colours: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. 

  • pest control

    Rust is a leaf disease to which hollyhocks are especially prone. It is worse on older plants and can be kept in check by replacing plants every couple of years. 


  • rusty looking leaves?

    Rust is a common problem with hollyhocks and can cause the plants to look ragged. Brown, yellow or orange spots appear as the fungus forms and grows. The damaged leaves will fall off as the disease progresses. Control fungi through proper removal and disposal of infected plants and with a general fungicide. 

  • breaking Stems?

    High winds or torrential rains can damage hollyhocks because of the sheer height of the flowers. The stalks are strong, but can be knocked around by a summer storm. A trellis positioned behind the hollyhocks gives you a place to anchor the plants. Garden twine, looped around the stalk and fastened to the trellis, keeps the hollyhocks in place when strong winds hit the garden. 

  • holes in leaves?

    Japanese beetles love the large leaves of the hollyhock plant and create unsightly holes in the foliage. The hibiscus sawfly looks like an elongated housefly with an orange spot just below the head. The larvae of these pests eat the foliage and can completely destroy the leaves on several plants in a short time. Insecticidal soaps and beetle traps generally aid in ridding the hollyhocks of the pests. 

  • broken stalks?

    Some caterpillars cause hollyhock stems to break and leaves to wilt. Close examination shows small round holes in the stems. Control stalk borers by slitting each affected stem lengthwise, removing the borers, and binding the stems together. Practice clean cultivation and burn all weeds, stems and plant remains likely to harbor over-wintering eggs. 

  • wilting leaves?

    A fungal stem canker attacks hollyhocks at bloom time on rare occasions. Stem lesions are first dark brown and later ash-gray. As these spots girdle the stem the part above wilts, collapses, breaks off and dies. Remove and destroy infected plants or plant parts as soon as you notice them. Disinfect clippers and other tools after using them on cankered plants. Space plants farther apart to minimize splash-borne infection. 

have an idea?


aka Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks can easily be started from seeds indoors, and transplanted outdoors. They add drama, colour and height to your garden. These plants are likely to attract some wildlife to your garden such as hummingbirds and butterflies! Hollyhocks can get a little “leggy” and it’s often suggested to plant dense plants in front of them to hide this. Once planted, Hollyhocks can be difficult to move. It’s suggested to plant them in a spot where you won’t have to move them.


Hollyhock ‘Sunshine’, Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams, Hollyhock ‘Creme de Cassis’, Hollyhock ‘Blacknight’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Red’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Apricot’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Lavender’, Hollyhock ‘The Bride’, Hollyhock ‘O Hara’, Hollyhock ‘Banana’


varying needs

Full sun to partial shade

water + feeding

not too thirsty

Will tolerate moist conditions if soil is well drained. Water thoroughly during hot, dry weather. Keep water off leaves when watering, to prevent disease problems. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost. Hollyhock seeds only need to be planted right below the soil, no more than 1/4-inch (.6 cm.) deep


not really

These flowers are also non-poisonous to dogs or cats, but you need to be careful about the stems and leaves as they may have resin or fiber which may cause some skin allergies.



Hollyhock blooms are about four inch double flowers borne on wand-like stems. They have fuzzy leaves, that grow to be about 6-8″ across. A hollyhock plant can grow to be almost 6ft tall!

pro tip

blooms for years

Remove any seed-heads that may form, so hollyhock will continue to bloom for several years. Most plants will live and bloom for several years if stalks are cut off at the base after flowers have faded. They will not be as vigorous as new seedlings. Once established in the garden, hollyhock often grow voluntary from seeds dropped during the summer. These chance seedlings may and should be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

fun fact

welcome flowers

Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, ambition, fertility, and abundance. They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity. Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

beyond the basics

  • soil & potting

    Hollyhock will do well in almost any soil but prefers a well-drained soil. The most important factor is good air circulation, so do not crowd plants or plant too close to structures, hedges or other plants.  

  • companion planting

    Hollyhocks make excellent companions for Dahlias, Clematis, Shasta Daisies, Shrub Roses, Baby’s Breath, Black-eyed Susan, or Climbing Roses.  

  • blooms

    Hollyhocks have single or double, cup-shaped flowers with little or no stalk and bloom on tall spikes. Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colours: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. 

  • pest control

    Rust is a leaf disease to which hollyhocks are especially prone. It is worse on older plants and can be kept in check by replacing plants every couple of years. 


  • rusty looking leaves?

    Rust is a common problem with hollyhocks and can cause the plants to look ragged. Brown, yellow or orange spots appear as the fungus forms and grows. The damaged leaves will fall off as the disease progresses. Control fungi through proper removal and disposal of infected plants and with a general fungicide. 

  • breaking Stems?

    High winds or torrential rains can damage hollyhocks because of the sheer height of the flowers. The stalks are strong, but can be knocked around by a summer storm. A trellis positioned behind the hollyhocks gives you a place to anchor the plants. Garden twine, looped around the stalk and fastened to the trellis, keeps the hollyhocks in place when strong winds hit the garden. 

  • holes in leaves?

    Japanese beetles love the large leaves of the hollyhock plant and create unsightly holes in the foliage. The hibiscus sawfly looks like an elongated housefly with an orange spot just below the head. The larvae of these pests eat the foliage and can completely destroy the leaves on several plants in a short time. Insecticidal soaps and beetle traps generally aid in ridding the hollyhocks of the pests. 

  • broken stalks?

    Some caterpillars cause hollyhock stems to break and leaves to wilt. Close examination shows small round holes in the stems. Control stalk borers by slitting each affected stem lengthwise, removing the borers, and binding the stems together. Practice clean cultivation and burn all weeds, stems and plant remains likely to harbor over-wintering eggs. 

  • wilting leaves?

    A fungal stem canker attacks hollyhocks at bloom time on rare occasions. Stem lesions are first dark brown and later ash-gray. As these spots girdle the stem the part above wilts, collapses, breaks off and dies. Remove and destroy infected plants or plant parts as soon as you notice them. Disinfect clippers and other tools after using them on cankered plants. Space plants farther apart to minimize splash-borne infection. 

have an idea?


aka Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks can easily be started from seeds indoors, and transplanted outdoors. They add drama, colour and height to your garden. These plants are likely to attract some wildlife to your garden such as hummingbirds and butterflies! Hollyhocks can get a little “leggy” and it’s often suggested to plant dense plants in front of them to hide this. Once planted, Hollyhocks can be difficult to move. It’s suggested to plant them in a spot where you won’t have to move them.


Hollyhock ‘Sunshine’, Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams, Hollyhock ‘Creme de Cassis’, Hollyhock ‘Blacknight’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Red’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Apricot’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Lavender’, Hollyhock ‘The Bride’, Hollyhock ‘O Hara’, Hollyhock ‘Banana’


varying needs

Full sun to partial shade

water + feeding

not too thirsty

Will tolerate moist conditions if soil is well drained. Water thoroughly during hot, dry weather. Keep water off leaves when watering, to prevent disease problems. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost. Hollyhock seeds only need to be planted right below the soil, no more than 1/4-inch (.6 cm.) deep


not really

These flowers are also non-poisonous to dogs or cats, but you need to be careful about the stems and leaves as they may have resin or fiber which may cause some skin allergies.



Hollyhock blooms are about four inch double flowers borne on wand-like stems. They have fuzzy leaves, that grow to be about 6-8″ across. A hollyhock plant can grow to be almost 6ft tall!

pro tip

blooms for years

Remove any seed-heads that may form, so hollyhock will continue to bloom for several years. Most plants will live and bloom for several years if stalks are cut off at the base after flowers have faded. They will not be as vigorous as new seedlings. Once established in the garden, hollyhock often grow voluntary from seeds dropped during the summer. These chance seedlings may and should be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

fun fact

welcome flowers

Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, ambition, fertility, and abundance. They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity. Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

beyond the basics

  • soil & potting

    Hollyhock will do well in almost any soil but prefers a well-drained soil. The most important factor is good air circulation, so do not crowd plants or plant too close to structures, hedges or other plants.  

  • companion planting

    Hollyhocks make excellent companions for Dahlias, Clematis, Shasta Daisies, Shrub Roses, Baby’s Breath, Black-eyed Susan, or Climbing Roses.  

  • blooms

    Hollyhocks have single or double, cup-shaped flowers with little or no stalk and bloom on tall spikes. Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colours: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. 

  • pest control

    Rust is a leaf disease to which hollyhocks are especially prone. It is worse on older plants and can be kept in check by replacing plants every couple of years. 


  • rusty looking leaves?

    Rust is a common problem with hollyhocks and can cause the plants to look ragged. Brown, yellow or orange spots appear as the fungus forms and grows. The damaged leaves will fall off as the disease progresses. Control fungi through proper removal and disposal of infected plants and with a general fungicide. 

  • breaking Stems?

    High winds or torrential rains can damage hollyhocks because of the sheer height of the flowers. The stalks are strong, but can be knocked around by a summer storm. A trellis positioned behind the hollyhocks gives you a place to anchor the plants. Garden twine, looped around the stalk and fastened to the trellis, keeps the hollyhocks in place when strong winds hit the garden. 

  • holes in leaves?

    Japanese beetles love the large leaves of the hollyhock plant and create unsightly holes in the foliage. The hibiscus sawfly looks like an elongated housefly with an orange spot just below the head. The larvae of these pests eat the foliage and can completely destroy the leaves on several plants in a short time. Insecticidal soaps and beetle traps generally aid in ridding the hollyhocks of the pests. 

  • broken stalks?

    Some caterpillars cause hollyhock stems to break and leaves to wilt. Close examination shows small round holes in the stems. Control stalk borers by slitting each affected stem lengthwise, removing the borers, and binding the stems together. Practice clean cultivation and burn all weeds, stems and plant remains likely to harbor over-wintering eggs. 

  • wilting leaves?

    A fungal stem canker attacks hollyhocks at bloom time on rare occasions. Stem lesions are first dark brown and later ash-gray. As these spots girdle the stem the part above wilts, collapses, breaks off and dies. Remove and destroy infected plants or plant parts as soon as you notice them. Disinfect clippers and other tools after using them on cankered plants. Space plants farther apart to minimize splash-borne infection. 

have an idea?



aka Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks can easily be started from seeds indoors, and transplanted outdoors. They add drama, colour and height to your garden. These plants are likely to attract some wildlife to your garden such as hummingbirds and butterflies! Hollyhocks can get a little “leggy” and it’s often suggested to plant dense plants in front of them to hide this. Once planted, Hollyhocks can be difficult to move. It’s suggested to plant them in a spot where you won’t have to move them.


Hollyhock ‘Sunshine’, Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams, Hollyhock ‘Creme de Cassis’, Hollyhock ‘Blacknight’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Red’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Apricot’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Lavender’, Hollyhock ‘The Bride’, Hollyhock ‘O Hara’, Hollyhock ‘Banana’


varying needs

Full sun to partial shade

water + feeding

not too thirsty

Will tolerate moist conditions if soil is well drained. Water thoroughly during hot, dry weather. Keep water off leaves when watering, to prevent disease problems. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost. Hollyhock seeds only need to be planted right below the soil, no more than 1/4-inch (.6 cm.) deep


not really

These flowers are also non-poisonous to dogs or cats, but you need to be careful about the stems and leaves as they may have resin or fiber which may cause some skin allergies.



Hollyhock blooms are about four inch double flowers borne on wand-like stems. They have fuzzy leaves, that grow to be about 6-8″ across. A hollyhock plant can grow to be almost 6ft tall!

pro tip

blooms for years

Remove any seed-heads that may form, so hollyhock will continue to bloom for several years. Most plants will live and bloom for several years if stalks are cut off at the base after flowers have faded. They will not be as vigorous as new seedlings. Once established in the garden, hollyhock often grow voluntary from seeds dropped during the summer. These chance seedlings may and should be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

fun fact

welcome flowers

Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, ambition, fertility, and abundance. They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity. Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

beyond the basics

  • soil & potting

    Hollyhock will do well in almost any soil but prefers a well-drained soil. The most important factor is good air circulation, so do not crowd plants or plant too close to structures, hedges or other plants.  

  • companion planting

    Hollyhocks make excellent companions for Dahlias, Clematis, Shasta Daisies, Shrub Roses, Baby’s Breath, Black-eyed Susan, or Climbing Roses.  

  • blooms

    Hollyhocks have single or double, cup-shaped flowers with little or no stalk and bloom on tall spikes. Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colours: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. 

  • pest control

    Rust is a leaf disease to which hollyhocks are especially prone. It is worse on older plants and can be kept in check by replacing plants every couple of years. 


  • rusty looking leaves?

    Rust is a common problem with hollyhocks and can cause the plants to look ragged. Brown, yellow or orange spots appear as the fungus forms and grows. The damaged leaves will fall off as the disease progresses. Control fungi through proper removal and disposal of infected plants and with a general fungicide. 

  • breaking Stems?

    High winds or torrential rains can damage hollyhocks because of the sheer height of the flowers. The stalks are strong, but can be knocked around by a summer storm. A trellis positioned behind the hollyhocks gives you a place to anchor the plants. Garden twine, looped around the stalk and fastened to the trellis, keeps the hollyhocks in place when strong winds hit the garden. 

  • holes in leaves?

    Japanese beetles love the large leaves of the hollyhock plant and create unsightly holes in the foliage. The hibiscus sawfly looks like an elongated housefly with an orange spot just below the head. The larvae of these pests eat the foliage and can completely destroy the leaves on several plants in a short time. Insecticidal soaps and beetle traps generally aid in ridding the hollyhocks of the pests. 

  • broken stalks?

    Some caterpillars cause hollyhock stems to break and leaves to wilt. Close examination shows small round holes in the stems. Control stalk borers by slitting each affected stem lengthwise, removing the borers, and binding the stems together. Practice clean cultivation and burn all weeds, stems and plant remains likely to harbor over-wintering eggs. 

  • wilting leaves?

    A fungal stem canker attacks hollyhocks at bloom time on rare occasions. Stem lesions are first dark brown and later ash-gray. As these spots girdle the stem the part above wilts, collapses, breaks off and dies. Remove and destroy infected plants or plant parts as soon as you notice them. Disinfect clippers and other tools after using them on cankered plants. Space plants farther apart to minimize splash-borne infection. 

have an idea?


aka Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks can easily be started from seeds indoors, and transplanted outdoors. They add drama, colour and height to your garden. These plants are likely to attract some wildlife to your garden such as hummingbirds and butterflies! Hollyhocks can get a little “leggy” and it’s often suggested to plant dense plants in front of them to hide this. Once planted, Hollyhocks can be difficult to move. It’s suggested to plant them in a spot where you won’t have to move them.


Hollyhock ‘Sunshine’, Hollyhock ‘Peaches ‘n’ Dreams, Hollyhock ‘Creme de Cassis’, Hollyhock ‘Blacknight’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Red’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Apricot’, Hollyhock ‘Halo Lavender’, Hollyhock ‘The Bride’, Hollyhock ‘O Hara’, Hollyhock ‘Banana’


varying needs

Full sun to partial shade

water + feeding

not too thirsty

Will tolerate moist conditions if soil is well drained. Water thoroughly during hot, dry weather. Keep water off leaves when watering, to prevent disease problems. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost. Hollyhock seeds only need to be planted right below the soil, no more than 1/4-inch (.6 cm.) deep


not really

These flowers are also non-poisonous to dogs or cats, but you need to be careful about the stems and leaves as they may have resin or fiber which may cause some skin allergies.



Hollyhock blooms are about four inch double flowers borne on wand-like stems. They have fuzzy leaves, that grow to be about 6-8″ across. A hollyhock plant can grow to be almost 6ft tall!

pro tip

blooms for years

Remove any seed-heads that may form, so hollyhock will continue to bloom for several years. Most plants will live and bloom for several years if stalks are cut off at the base after flowers have faded. They will not be as vigorous as new seedlings. Once established in the garden, hollyhock often grow voluntary from seeds dropped during the summer. These chance seedlings may and should be transplanted elsewhere in the garden.

fun fact

welcome flowers

Hollyhocks symbolize the circle of life, ambition, fertility, and abundance. They have traditionally been planted near the front door of homes to welcome prosperity. Egyptians frequently placed wreaths of hollyhocks with the mummified to help them in their journey to the afterlife.

beyond the basics

  • soil & potting

    Hollyhock will do well in almost any soil but prefers a well-drained soil. The most important factor is good air circulation, so do not crowd plants or plant too close to structures, hedges or other plants.  

  • companion planting

    Hollyhocks make excellent companions for Dahlias, Clematis, Shasta Daisies, Shrub Roses, Baby’s Breath, Black-eyed Susan, or Climbing Roses.  

  • blooms

    Hollyhocks have single or double, cup-shaped flowers with little or no stalk and bloom on tall spikes. Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colours: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. 

  • pest control

    Rust is a leaf disease to which hollyhocks are especially prone. It is worse on older plants and can be kept in check by replacing plants every couple of years. 


  • rusty looking leaves?

    Rust is a common problem with hollyhocks and can cause the plants to look ragged. Brown, yellow or orange spots appear as the fungus forms and grows. The damaged leaves will fall off as the disease progresses. Control fungi through proper removal and disposal of infected plants and with a general fungicide. 

  • breaking Stems?

    High winds or torrential rains can damage hollyhocks because of the sheer height of the flowers. The stalks are strong, but can be knocked around by a summer storm. A trellis positioned behind the hollyhocks gives you a place to anchor the plants. Garden twine, looped around the stalk and fastened to the trellis, keeps the hollyhocks in place when strong winds hit the garden. 

  • holes in leaves?

    Japanese beetles love the large leaves of the hollyhock plant and create unsightly holes in the foliage. The hibiscus sawfly looks like an elongated housefly with an orange spot just below the head. The larvae of these pests eat the foliage and can completely destroy the leaves on several plants in a short time. Insecticidal soaps and beetle traps generally aid in ridding the hollyhocks of the pests. 

  • broken stalks?

    Some caterpillars cause hollyhock stems to break and leaves to wilt. Close examination shows small round holes in the stems. Control stalk borers by slitting each affected stem lengthwise, removing the borers, and binding the stems together. Practice clean cultivation and burn all weeds, stems and plant remains likely to harbor over-wintering eggs. 

  • wilting leaves?

    A fungal stem canker attacks hollyhocks at bloom time on rare occasions. Stem lesions are first dark brown and later ash-gray. As these spots girdle the stem the part above wilts, collapses, breaks off and dies. Remove and destroy infected plants or plant parts as soon as you notice them. Disinfect clippers and other tools after using them on cankered plants. Space plants farther apart to minimize splash-borne infection. 

have an idea?

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