how to bring on spring

Plant Moderator

As houseplant owners will have noticed, even indoor plants are affected by seasons. Spring is when indoor plants come out of dormancy, marking the start of their active growing season. Longer days and warmer temperatures make spring one of the most vital times to grow indoor plants. 

These changes sometimes present challenges. Here’s our list of top tricks and tips to help make the seasonal transition easier on your green babies and set them up for a bright, bountiful future. 

step 1. spring clean greens

That’s right, spring cleaning isn’t just for your house, it’s important for your houseplants, too. Gently clean leaves with a duster or damp cloth. If they are sturdy enough, pop them in the shower with the water gently running. If you like shiny leaves, skip waxes and use a mild, chemical free dish soap.

step 2. got to repot

Spring is the optimal time to repot, giving plants more space to flourish. Repotting plants allows them to expand and promotes fresh growth. How to tell if a plant needs repotting? Check for: 

• Roots growing out the bottom of the pot or top of the soil 

• The pot physically appears to be expanding 

• Water leaks right through the soil without absorbing the water

step 3. slowly introduce them to the outdoors  

Some indoor plants love spending summer outside but to avoid shocking them, gently transition plants by bringing them out only for a few hours. Gradually increase the time so they adapt to being outdoors, as long as they are not left out at night unless temperatures are consistently mild. Bear in mind, plants can get sunburnt so avoid direct summer sunlight. Drainage holes are a must to prevent drowning from heavy rainfalls. 

step 4. adjust watering and feeding 

Plants require more water in spring and summer. Start your adjustments when spring arrives and feed them with nutrient rich soil or introduce plant food. Rather than following a watering schedule, test the dampness of the soil, observe how your plant is reacting to sun and water, and follow its lead.

step five. prune

As you know, although trimming off leaves and branches might seem counterintuitive to allowing plants to grow big, pruning any unhealthy or dried out parts will stimulate new growth.

step 6. bring the outside, in   

Rainwater is more nourishing for plants than tap water, so collect some on the next rainfall to water your houseplants that remain inside. Place them by open windows when warm enough to give them fresh air and humidity.

step 7. window on, window off  

During wintertime you may have relocated a plant from a chilly window, in spring you may wish to get it back. Just be conscious that sunlight can still dry out or burn delicate plants, so opt for indirect light near a window. Being the conscious plant parent you are, you’ll figure out what conditions work best.


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